Thursday, July 07, 2005

His Love Endures Forever

Early in our OGES trip I read Psalm 136 to our students. I encouraged them to look for ways that God has shown that His love endures forever on this trip.

Here is my attempt.

When there is no sleep the night before the trip,
His love endures forever.

When the airplane rises and falls without fail,
His love endures forever.

When the luggage all arrives without a hitch,
His love endures forever.

When you see the smiling Guatemalan faces,
His love endures forever.

When you see the majesty of the Guatemalan mountains,
His love endures forever.

When the joyful sounds of singing reign throughout the bus,
His love endures forever.

When the skies above the rainforest open with thunderous praise,
His love endures forever.

When the majesty of waterfalls and natural pools become the playground of students,
His love endures forever.

When the buses pull into Campur,
His love endures forever.

When the bricks go up the mountainside,
His love endures forever.

When the patient sees her first doctor,
His love endures forever.

When the puppets make a child smile,
His love endures forever.

When your basketball competition is ten years younger,
His love endures forever.

When the arms are raised after mimes perform,
His love endures forever.

When the Holy Spirit works through a team,
His love endures forever.

When the muddy path is a source of laughter not injury,
His love endures forever.

When the tire blows and no one is injured,
His love endures forever.

When the medicine cannot cross the border,
His love endures forever.

When awakened each night and drawn to pray,
His love endures forver.

When God works through our imperfections,
His love endures forever.

When the volcanos rise above the clouds,
His love endures forever.

When the Lord takes care of even the dogs,
His love endures forever.

When the predicted illness does not come,
His love endures forever.

When the doctor becomes the actor,
His love endures forever.

When light is brought into the darkness,
His love endures forever.

When the interpreters bridge the cultural divide,
His love endures forever.

When students see God´s miracles,
His love endures forever.

When students cannot see His hand at work,
His love endures forever.

When drunk men find hope in a godly group,
His love endures forever.

When families without hope receive it anew,
His love endures forever.

When we see how much we´re blessed,
His love endures forever.

From the rising to the setting sun,
His love endures forever.


Jennifer said...

What a beautiful, touching hymn of praise to God's work in and through the lives of your team. I can't wait to hear all about your trip when I see you next! Love you, bro!

Anonymous said...

When It is all said and done
His Love Endoures Forever