Monday, August 06, 2007

Leith Anderson's Sermon on I-35W Bridge Collapse

Many of you have sent me e-mails or phoned in response to the tragedy that took place in Minneapolis last week. No one that I knew was involved in the accident. That said, I, along with most people who live in the Twin Cities have been profoundly impacted by Wednesday's event. In some ways we all feel like we have been affected by this event. I spoke on the tragedy in our Senior High group on Sunday. Our students had such a need to process the bridge collapse.

Leith Anderson preached to the congregation on the event. I found Leith's sermon to be comforting, compelling, and challenging. You can listen to his message by following this link:

When Calamity Comes To Where We Live.


Anonymous said...

Dear Son Brian,

I praise God for all those He called to pray for me while in intensive care in Instanbul. Healing continues physically as well as emotionally. Now, it is my turn to pray for victims and survivors of the I-35W bridge collapse.


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