Saturday, November 24, 2007

What Are You Doing Today?

Psalm 119:97 - "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long."

"What are you doing today?"

It's a question that I ask a lot. As a father of four, I want to know what my kids are up to. I also ask them, "What did you do today?" At the dinner table or at the end of the day, I want to know what it is that my kids spent their time doing.

So, what are you doing today?

Today is the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It's been a busy few days in the Schulenburg home. My parents and sister have been in town for Thanksgiving. We've had so much fun with them. On Thursday we had 18 people in our home for Thanksgiving dinner. Yesterday was spent in shopping malls and exploring the city of Minneapolis. This evening we'll be part of a group of 30 of our friends and family going to the Minnesota Timberwolves game. I love this time of year!

It can be so easy in this time of year to get so busy that we forget about God. We need to ask ourselves where God falls in our plans. Lordship means that God always takes priority in our day. He isn't an afterthought. He is our consuming passion. We meditate upon Him throughout the day. Daily meditating upon the Word of God allows us to meet the challenges of our day in a godly manner. That's what David is getting at here. He was Israel's greatest King, not because of his own accumen or prowess, but because he depended upon God and His precepts. So, should we.

Dear God,

We want our one consuming passion to be You. As we love You, we will love others. Help us to remember that. Help us to remember Your faithfulness. You are our Great Redeemer and King. Thank You for your wisdom.

In Jesus' name,


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