Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What Are You Living On?

Matthew 4:4 - Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

I thought about calling today's devotional What Are You Living For, but decided that it would be more aptly named, What Are You Living On, because as Jesus' answered Satan, in Matthew 4:4, He addressed a timeless truth.

What is it that sustains you? Is it the bread that you eat? Sure, food is important, and if we don't eat, we die. But, Jesus rebukes Satan's first attempt at tempting Him by saying that man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

The theological imperative is that we cannot live apart from God's will. It is because of God that we have our breath. It is because of God that we have any food. It is because of God that we hope for today and strength for tomorrow. What are you living on? You are living on the words of God. The life giving, life transforming, life sustaining and precious words of God.

It's been awhile since I've written on here. I decided that it was important for me to take a little break from blogging. The last post indicate that I would be blogging on the words of Christ as found throughout the Bible. In these words I find something else interesting too. It's not so much the words as it is in who the words address. Jesus' audience in this verse is Satan. Satan's relationship with Christ goes way back. He was an angel that existed before the creation of man. Did you notice who heard the first words in the book of Matthew that Jesus spoke? Yes, it was John the Baptist, and those gathered at the Lake, but it was also God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. So, in these first two statements that Jesus makes in the New Testament you have present The Father, the Holy Spirit, Satan, Jesus' earthly cousin. In other words, those who knew Christ best, were there. Take away John, and you have those who existed before the creation of man. Take away John and Satan and you have the triune God; the eternally existent Trinity. And that Trinity sustains you. What are you living on? You are living on God. Now, glorify Him with your life.

Dear God,

Our lives are about You. We exist to glorify You. Help us to honor You with our lives. Thank You for allowing us to live another day. May our words bring glory to You.

In Jesus' name,


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