Thursday, April 28, 2005

Summer Sports

His face glowed as he took my arm and said, "Dad, did you hear what I got yesterday?"

"No, buddy, what did you get?"

"My soccer stuff!"

I don't think I'll ever forget the expression on Jeremy's face as he tried on his new soccer uniform and proudly displayed it for me. His smile was infectious. His enthusiasm unparalled. My little Jeremy looked so grown up in that uniform.

This summer will mark the first time that all four of our children are playing sports at the same time. Breanna, my sweet daughter will try her hand at soccer. And you know what? Like every Dad, I know that she'll be the best on her team. I can't wait to watch her run up and down that field, chasing a ball and a dream.

Chris is going to try baseball. He knows that baseball is his dad's favorite sport, and part of me wonders if he isn't playing the sport because he knows how much I love it. I can't wait to hear the crack of his bat against the ball. To watch him try to field his first fly ball. To see his eyes grow big as a ball comes to him faster than he ever expected, and to see him be amazed as he catches it.

Jeremy, my baseball buddy, is switching to soccer. And you know what? I think he's made for it.

And, Zachary, my little soon to be four-year-old is going to Rookie Camp for baseball. How fun is that?

From what I'm told there will probably be times this summer when we'll wonder why we signed up for these sports. But, for today, all I can think is that I'm the luckiest guy on the face of the planet.

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