Saturday, February 06, 2010

Notes from my Bible Study for February 6, 2010

Today's Reading: Psalm 36, Genesis 33, 2 Chronicles 10, Acts 2

Psalm 36 -
King David wrote some pretty scary words in Psalm 36:1-4, the scariest of which are, "there is no fear of God before his eyes."

He was speaking about the wicked. To live one's life with no fear of the Lord is a certain path to destruction. It may not happen in this life, but it surely will in the hereafter.

Remember, in Psalm 14:1, David told us that it was the fool who says in his heart that there is no God. The wicked person has not only said such thing in his heart, but has acted upon that belief with callous disregard for the Lord.

May you live your life with a constant awareness and holy reverence for the Lord.

Genesis 33 - What a beautiful story of redemption! Esau had every reason to hold bitterness towards his brother, Jacob. But, God had blessed Esau. When Esau saw Jacob, he chose to run towards him with unabashed love. A note in my Bible described this run as the run of the father in Jesus' story of the Prodigal Son.

It's interesting that Jacob compares seeing Esau's face with the face of God, for he had just wrestled God the night before.

Both God and Esau showed Jacob unmerited favor.

There are people in almost every person's life that need to be shown unmerited favor. Esau had no human reason to show such love to his brother. His love helped change Jacob. Who can you show love like this to? Who can you forgive? Who can you reconcile with? Maybe God will use you to change them for good.

2 Chronicles 10 - Rehoboam was the grandson of King David, the son of King Solomon, and a very stupid leader. It was under his leadership that the nation of Israel was divided. His stubborn refusal to listen to the wise counsel of his father's advisers, in favor of listening to his younger peers, led to incredible rebellion in the nation.

As a pastor, I want to always keep verse 8 in front of me, as a reminder about what happens when we don't respect the heritage of a church, a nation, a family, etc.

8 But he abandoned the counsel that the old men gave him, and took counsel with the young men who had grown up with him and stood before him.

Acts 2 - Acts 2 is the chapter of the Bible where everything changed! After Jesus ascended to heaven, the apostles gathered in the upper room, praying and waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

I love the way Acts 2 describes the coming of the Holy Spirit. There could be no doubt that this was the Spirit that Jesus promised. It would have been amazing to be in that upper room, but what happened next was even more incredible.

Peter, the impulsive, Jesus-denying, foot-in-mouth, act before you think, incredible leader of a man; spoke to thousands about the God who had so marvelously restored and forgiven him. And everyone in the crowd heard Peter's sermon in his own language. What a sermon! Three thousand people came to faith in Christ, and the early church started!

The description of the early church in Acts 2:42-47 shows a group of people who understood the irreducible core of the Christian life - love God, love others and make disciples as you go.

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