Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Google Picture Post

So, I've been home sick for the past few days, and I'm getting a bit stir crazy. I ran across another person's blog where they did a Google Picture Post. I thought I'd give it a try. If you want to do the same thing, go to Google and do a Google picture seach on the following things. See what you come up with.

1. The City and State you grew up in, no quotation marks.

2. The City and State you now live in, no quotation marks.

3. Your name, first and last, no quotation marks.

4. Your Grandfather's name, first and last, no quotation marks.

5. Your favorite food.

6. Your favorite scent.

7. Your favorite vacation spot.

8. Where you vacationed growing up.

9. Favorite Sports Team

10. The college you attended.

11. Favorite activity to do with your kids.

12. Another Grandparent's Name, First and Last, no quotation marks.

13. Favorite Drink.

14. Favorite Motion Picture

15. Favorite Mode of Transportation


Jennifer said...

Too funny! That does kinda look like grandma, now doesn't it. J/K :)

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Jennifer said...

By the way, the first picture that comes up when you type in brian schulenburg with no quotation marks is YOUR picture. Don't you feel special, and famous, and really, really cool?!?

Brian said...

That's actually what you get when you type in Grandpa's name! lol.