Friday, May 18, 2007

Vacation With A Purpose

So, what are you doing for vacation this summer? For the past several years our family has spent one week ever summer at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Muskegon, Michigan. Now, I know to some out there, that sounds like a tortuous way to spend a summer vacation, but it's far from that. I do not think that there is anything that has brought our family more joy, memories and connection time that this particular vacation.

Maranatha is located right on the shores of Lake Michigan. For seven days our family enjoys each other, God's beautiful creation, and are built into spiritually by some of the finest Bible teachers in America. We're going August 11-18 this year. James McDonald, Joe Stowell and Martin DeHaan are going to be our speakers. You should consider joining us. You can find out more at:


Anonymous said...

Can black brothers come kick it? Well, actually I'm bi-racial, but...

Brian said...

I think my bi-racial brother would love it! And, so would your family. Make the reservation and join us.

Anonymous said...

Way to recruit people to THE BEST vacation spot of ALL time! :) You really cannot put words to how amazing this place is. Check it out.