Saturday, June 02, 2007

Great Article on Efrem Smith in Today's Star Tribune

I've never met Efrem Smith. I have tons of friends who are friends of Efrem, but our paths have never crossed. I've respected Efrem from afar for several years. He has a passion for ministry in the inner city of Minneapolis that is contagious. Efrem's heartbeat for a multi-racial congregation, his community impact projects, and the impact that he has made in Minneapolis make him an inspirational leader on the national scene. Check out this article on the Star Tribune's Web Site. I think it will challenge you.


Anonymous said...


Good lookin' out. As one of Ef's closest buddies, it is encouraging every time one of our Suburban Church friends affirms God's call on Efrem. Lord knows he has enough HATERS...

Steve said...

Now if we could just get some Puerto Ricans up there...