Friday, May 16, 2008

Got Meekness?

Matthew 5:5 - "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."

Some time ago a couple of boys in our high school ministry asked if they could borrow a commentary of mine on the book of Genesis. I look at my shelf and found a classic by Arthur W. Pink. When I handed them the book, a business card slipped out of it. It was from my Grandfather, who had died a few years earlier. Grandpa gave me the book when he was still alive and had written on the card, "Brian, this is perhaps the best commentary ever written on the book of Genesis. Study it! -- Grandpa."

That was my Grandpa's way. He loved to give advice and challenge his grandchildren. I gave the book to the boys, with a promise that they would return it in a couple of weeks. I never saw the book again. But, I've not forgotten Grandpa's words. When I see something written by Pink, I pay attention to it.

While studying today's passage, I came across a quote from Dr. Pink. Writing about meekness, Pink wrote, "True meekness is ever manifested by a yieldedness to God’s will, yet it will not yield a principle of righteousness or compromise with evil. God-given meekness can also stand up for God-given rights; when God’s glory is impeached, we must have a zeal which is as hot as fire."

We live in a world where I believe the first word that comes to mind when you hear the work meek is weak. But, true meekness is anything but week. It is the evidence of the Holy Spirit's work in the life of the believer. It is living our lives with God at the center. It is allowing the One who is meek and lowly to control our actions.

When Jesus said that the meek would inherit the earth, those listening must have thought that he was crazy. They lived in a day and age where they were under the oppression of the Roman government. How could they inherit the earth when they not even given property rights? As usual, Jesus wasn't talking about inheriting the earth as one today might equate with Donald Trump or Bill Gates. Those who are meek are those who learn to be satisfied with what it is that God has blessed them with. They use their earthly blessings to advance the Kingdom of God. The meek follower of Christ will also be among those who some day will reign with Christ in his Millennial Kingdom. It is then that they will literally see this promise fulfilled.

As you live your life today, be like those in the Bible who demonstrated meekness. Abraham, years after he was told that he would be the father of a great nation, was shown land by God. His nephew Lot was shown the land as well. God gave them a choice. Abraham deferred to Lot. Lot chose what looked like the best land for himself. Abraham didn't complain. He willingly gave the land, even though he could have claimed rightful ownership to it based upon God's promise. Abraham trusted that God would come through on his promise. May we do the same.

Dear God,

You have told us to go against the conventional wisdom of this world and to be people who are meek. Help us to remain faithful to that which you have called us to be. May we be counted amongst those who will some day rule with you in Your Millennial Kingdom. May we exhibit Christ-like love to all those we come in contact with.

In Jesus' name,


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