Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life Change

Matthew 5:4 - "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

It's been almost a month since my last post. That's a bit out of character for me, I know. But, life is changing in the Schulenburg home. This past month has been difficult to say the least. On Sunday, my life at Wooddale Church ends. For the past seven years, this has been our home. There is something beautiful about being a member of the Body of Christ. There is a depth that comes from relationships with other Christians that is irreplaceable. And yet, we know that what lies ahead is so good too. We're excited about beginning a new chapter in our lives, and yet sad to see this one end.

That sadness has led to lot of tears in our home. The tears have not just come from transition. The tears have also come from one of the students in our youth ministry being involved in a serious car accident. He's recovering well in the ICU. But, it's hard to see him there. The tears came from watching a friend's marriage deteriorate. The tears have come from the stress of transition. For the first time in our lives we're having to find our own health insurance. We received our first rejection notice this week. Now I understand why so many people want reform in the health care industry. The tears have come from a pot of noodles left on a stove and forgotten about. Smoke filled our home, and now we are living with trying to get that smoke smell out. The tears have come from being pulled in so many different directions.

Okay, before you get the idea that all we do is cry, we don't. The tears are outweighed by the joys of life. It was on Matthew 5:4 that I left off this blog devotional. Jesus had begun teaching the Beatitudes. And the Beatitude that we read in Matthew 5:4 is, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

Yesterday, feeling like we were at a breaking point, Cyndi and I held each other and did what we should have been doing all along. We cried out to God. We told Him that we trust Him. We asked Him to intercede. And, while we don't have health insurance (yet), and while the smell of smoke still lingers in our home, and while my friends are still struggling with their marriage and while my student still lies in that hospital bed, God did what he promised in Matthew 5:4. He comforted. He comforted as only God can. Throughout Scripture we read about a peace that is so extraordinary that it passes all understanding. I'm living with that peace today. I'm living with God's comfort. And, I'm grateful. I'm grateful that God has blessed me beyond measure. I'm grateful for His calling on our lives. I can't wait to get started in our new calling. I can't wait to see how God works in this time in our lives. I can't wait to see how God uses our children and my wife in the area that He has called us to. And, I can't wait to see God answer prayer the way that He chooses to.

Blessed are those who mourn (and that's all of us from time to time), for they will be comforted.

Dear God,

Thank You for loving us the way that You do. Sometimes Your love for us is shown in ways that we don't understand. And, when You show us that kind of love, something beautiful comes in the end. Thank You for the comfort that You ofter to the mourning. You are good, and Your love endures forever.

In Jesus' name,


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