Sunday, January 27, 2008

A New Week

Psalm 119:159 - "See how I love your precepts; preserve my life, O LORD, according to your love."

I love Sundays! Today was a long day, but a good one. How awesome it was to be surrounded by my brothers and sisters in Christ throughout most of the day. As I read today's verse I think about days like this. David cried out that he loved God's precepts. I do too. His law is so good. They preserve our lives. And, they make life something that can be lived to the full.

As you go into a new week, praise God for who He is. Tell Him what you most need right now. Ask Him to use you in what He wants to accomplish this week. Commit to letting Him have control in your day, your week, this year. He wants to do great things through you. Let Him have control.

Dear God,

We ask You to take control. We invite Your Spirit to fill our lives. Use us to make an impact on this world for You. Give us the strength to follow You wherever You lead.

In Jesus' name,


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