Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Psalm 119:135 - "Make your face shine upon your servant and teach me your decrees."

Last night we spent time with three other families, ringing in the New Year. It's a tradition that we have had for the past four years. We love being able to spend time with these friends. They are godly friends, with children the same ages as our children. And, they are people that we can be real with.

Last night our party host suggested that each of the adults take a turn sharing one word that described the past year. We then followed that up with an explanation of why we chose the word. After that, we each picked a word that we'd like to be able to use on December 31, 2008. We then described why we chose that word. It was a special time. After that, another one of the guests suggested that we make a covenant with each other. There are 13 children represented between the four families. We have covenanted that every Wednesday we are going to pray for all 13 children. It was a special time.

The word that I chose for 2008 was satisfied. I want to learn to be content with that which God has blessed me with. As I read today's verse, another word came to mind. It was the word; reflect. David asked for God's face to shine upon him, teaching him God's commands. If God's face truly shines upon us, then we will reflect him. The response that we read of in Scripture of those who encounter God is that they fall on their knees before Him. We read that they cover their eyes, because they can not look upon His glory. Wouldn't it be amazing if we shined so bright for God, that people did take notice? That we reflected His character? That we showed others His love in practical ways?

So, upon further review, yes, I want to be satisfied with how God has blessed me, but I also want to reflect. I want others to see Christ in me and in my family. And, I want to honor Him, as He continues to teach me His ways.

Dear God,

As we enter 2008, let us be a reflection of You. In an Old Testament blessing, Your priests would say, "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." We ask for that blessing in 2008. We plead with You to make Your face shine upon us. Help us to make an impact in this world. Help us to glorify You with our lives. Help our children to see You in us, and to desire You. Give us peace. Continue to act with Your gracious hand towards us. And, help us to reflect Your gracious hand and Your peace to the world around us.

In Jesus' name,


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love this post! What a neat tradition and a great way to remember what God has done over the past year and rejoice in what He will do in the new year.