Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It Is God Who Exalts!

Psalm 2:5-6 - "Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill."

It's election time in the USA, and for the first time that I can remember, it seems like this election has been going on since about the time the last one ended. As a nation, I believe that we will engage in a collective sigh of relief when this election is over.

As a fan of talk radio, and as a man who now spends an average of two hours per day commuting to work, I've listened to quite a few opinions on this election. I'm constantly amazed when I hear people talk about candidates like they are the Messiah. Our country has experienced a couple of extremely volatile days on Wall Street. I listened yesterday as one announcer said that we were about to face the worse crisis in the American financial system since the Great Depression. It wasn't five minutes later that a caller phoned in to say that if Obama is elected president this will all go away. Another caller phoned in and said that if McCain is elected president this will all go away.

There are those who are convinced that if the candidate from the party that they do not endorse is elected that our country will be destroyed.

And, it reminds me that we need to pray for our leaders. The expectations that are placed upon leaders is unrealistic, and difficult for anyone to live up to. King David, while writing a Psalm that included a stern warning to his enemies revealed a truth about God. God knows who the next leader of the United States will be. God knows who the next leaders on every nation on earth will be. And, God will be exalted no matter who is in power. While peoples of the earth have rejected God for centuries, God continues to reign. He may be mocked by human beings, but God is the one who is ultimately in charge. Don't put your hope in leaders. Put your hope in God. He is the only Hope for ours and every nation.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You chose King David to be the ruler of the nation of Israel. He was insignificant, even to his own family; a shepherd boy whom you made a King. Help us to place our ultimate trust in You, not in people. May You give us wisdom as we make all the decisions in our lives.

In Jesus' name,


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