I love my daughter, Breanna. That's her with me in this picture. It was just a couple months back that we took that picture. Breanna had just walked down the aisle and received her eighth grade diploma.
Today, Breanna began high school. She'd tell you, "It was just orientation," but it was the start. She spent time in each of the classes that she'll take this quarter at Eden Prairie High School, and then to an assembly with her principal.
Breanna loves the Lord. She is excited about sharing His love with her classmates. And, she's nervous.
Today's verse talks about the righteous person who seeks God with all of her heart. That's my daughter. She's not perfect. But, I see in her a desire to know God. She desires to walk in His ways. In fact, I know of no person in my life who desires to walk in His ways as much as Bre. She just has this passion for holiness.
I'm praying that she'll continue to walk like this. I'm praying that when she looks back on her high school years that she will be able to rejoice that she stayed faithful to Christ. I'm praying that she'll transform EPHS. And, I'm praying that God will continue to transform her. May all of us seek to be people who seek God with all of our heart so that we will not stray from His commands.
Dear God,
Help Breanna to always walk with you. Help her to continually seek You with all of her heart. Help her to adore You. Help her when others make fun of her for her faith. Help her when she feels like she is standing all alone. And, help us all to be seekers of your heart.
In Jesus' name,
Breanna is such a beautiful treasure. My heart absolutely delights when I think about her and her desire to follow God and pursue holiness. She will be standing alone throughout much of her life, and the pressure to conform will continue into her young adulthood and beyond, but I know she delights in law of the Lord more than popularity. I know that she will gladly choose the lonely road in favor of glorifying God above all else. What a blessing to witness one of God's remnant standing firm for Him!
I love you, Bre!
Aunt Jenny
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