Our family is traveling to the Quad Cities of Illinois and Iowa today. We're driving to a church that we were privileged to serve at for 5 1/2 years. It's been a few years since we have been there. And, we're excited to go back! We're excited to see old friends. We're excited to show our kids the house where we lived. We're excited to show Jeremy and Zach the hospital where they were born. We're excited to see our old church. And, we're excited about going to Whitey's.
Whitey's? If you've ever lived in the Quad Cities you have spent time at Whitey's. It's the best ice cream place in the entire world. And people in the Quad Cities are proud of it! Summer nights in the QCA (Quad Cities Area) often times involve at trip to one of the several Whitey's locations all over the city. You might even say that people from the Quad Cities take delight in this ice cream.
While delight for ice cream is kind of fun, delight in the Lord brings with it the ultimate satisfaction. Where is it found? It is found by walking in the commands of the Lord.
Walking in God's way means that our priorities are straight. It means that we are trusting that God ultimately has our best interests in mind, and although His idea of what those best interests are may be different than ours, His ways are better. When we come to realize that we find incredible satisfaction and delight.
The best days of my life have been the days where I have walked with God. They are the days where I have truly sensed His presence and His guiding hand. The days aren't always easy, but they are satisfying.
So, what delights you? Really.
My friend Greg Speck speaks in schools all over America. Normally there is a rambunctious group of young men sitting in the back row when Greg speaks in the school's gymnasium. The noise from the constant talking is a distraction, so Greg will ask one of the young men to stand up.
He'll say, "I'd like to ask you a couple of questions."
The boy usually responds, "What, are you talkin' to me? Yo, bring it on! Bring it on!"
"Okay," says Greg. "Do you have a stereo system at home?"
"Dude, I've got an iPod with 7,000 songs connected to a speaker system that you wouldn't believe. Uh huh! What you got? Huh?"
"Well, I'm sure it doesn't compare, but let me ask you another question. Do you have a video game system?"
"I've got a video game museum; from Pong to the Playstation 3 and everything in between."
"Alright. How about a car? Do you have a car?"
"You bet. I've got a 1985 Ford Fairmont with rims like you wouldn't believe and a spoiler, and a souped up engine. It's incredible."
"Do you have a baseball bat?"
"Yeah, I have a baseball bat."
"When you get home from school today, would you take that baseball bat and take it to your iPod and speaker system?"
"No, that's stupid. Of course not. What's wrong with you?!"
"Would you take the bat to your video game system. You know, use your X-Box 360 for some batting practice?"
"No, of course not! What's wrong with you, fool?"
"Okay, would you take the bat to your car?"
"To Bessie? Don't be talking about my car like that?"
"You named your car Bessie?"
"Don't be messin' with Bessie!"
"Okay, one last question. If you could have any girl in this auditorium and have your way with her sexually, with no chance of getting caught would you do it?"
At which point the boy usually responds, "Any girl?"
"Yeah," Greg says, "Any girl."
"Well, sure," the boy responds.
It's at that point that two things usually happen. The young ladies in the gymnasium respond, "Loser!"
And, Greg says, "That's what is wrong with us today. We've become a society that loves things and uses people instead of a society that uses things and loves people."
When it comes to God, I'm afraid His bride (us, the church) has grown to love all of the things that the world has to offer and we have grown to view God as something that we use to get what we want. Our prayers reveal much about how we view God. Our prayers have become appeals for more of everything but the things that delight God. May we become people who become passionate about that which God delights in.
What delights you?
Dear God,
We are so guilty of finding delight in things apart from you. Help us to remember that every good and perfect gift that we have comes from You. You delight in taking care of Your children, but You want Your children to delight in You. You are our greatest satisfaction. You are our delight. Help us not to forget. You are God, and You alone are worthy of our pursuit. Help us to remember that.
In Jesus' name,
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