Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fools for Christ

Psalm 119:42 - "then I will answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in Your word."

When you think about it, we Christians believe some pretty strange things. We believe that God created the earth. We believe in the virgin birth. We believe that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead. We believe that Jesus is coming again. We believe that heaven is real and so is hell. We believe that people who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord will not go to heaven.

And, the world hates that message. The world says that the message smacks of arrogance. The world says that those who believe such things are fools. And, the world has said that for a long time. David's enemies taunted him. They made fun of his belief in God. And, David prayed that God would prove His word to be faithful.

In this verse we are reminded that God will be true to His word. But, God works in His time and not ours. David would have to rely upon God, love and trust God, and love his enemies as he waited for God's truth to be revealed.

We live in a world that continues to reject God. And, they continue to think that Christians who take God at His word are fools. Are you ready to live as fools for Christ?

A fool for Christ will:

1) Love those who mock her.

2) Believe that God will follow through on what His word says.

3) Speak of for Christ when the opportunity arises.

4) Not think of themselves as having it all together, but recognize that it is only because of Christ that we have anything to offer the world.

5) Reject the world's system in favor of God's.

What else? What would you say that a fool for Christ will do? I'd love to hear from you.

Dear God,

Sometimes it is hard to live for you. There are times where we don't want to feel different. There are times where we grow weary. Give us faith. Help us to know that you always follow through on Your word. Help us to always love a world that treats us like we are foolish. Help us to embody Your love.

In Jesus' name,


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