Our thoughts drift backward to you boys,
Of course, you know we miss you.
Your grandma counts each passing day
‘Till she can hug and kiss you.
Your grandpa pictures you each day,
Stretched on the floor a‐rolling,
With Rebel joining in the fun
That’s your when you go strolling.
Mark figures out minute details
He’s bound to be a banker.
He even knows, on fishing trips
Just where to drop the anchor.
Ran’s in a class beyond compare
When he picks up his trumpet,
Or dribbles through in basketball,
He knows just where to drop it.
Bri with his inner charm, so sweet,
Makes all our hearts beat faster.
In fact, we hope in God’s great plan,
Some day he’ll be a pastor.
Kev may be last, but never least,
His smile is sweet as honey.
He out performs a circus clown,
And every day is sunny.
So boys, you know just what we think,
You bring us both such pleasure.
There’s nothing we would trade you for,
You’re such a priceless treasure.
Grandpa Arthur T. Elfstrom
June, 1978
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