Saturday, November 03, 2007

God's Love Is Unfailing!

Psalm 119:76 - "May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant."

Take a moment to think about God's love. Okay, are you ready? Go!


How's it going? Are you thinking about it?

Take another minute.


If you are like me, it can be tough to spend more than a few seconds thinking about any one thing. We live in a world where images are constantly crossing before our eyes, where competing sounds are constantly invading our ears, and multiple distractions are abundant. Finding the time to be quiet for just a few minutes can sometimes seem impossible. Perhaps as you read this blog you are multitasking on your computer screen. In one window is the blog. In another is iTunes. Some kind of messaging system is quietly running in the corner of your screen waiting for a friend to announce that he or she is online. Your word processessor is running in the background as you wait for some kind of inspiration to complete the work that needs to end up on a hard sheet of paper. Oh, and your widgets are also running, announcing the score of the college football game, the changing temperatures outside, and the latest update on your favorite stock investment. There are parts of that world that I love, and there are parts that shake me to the core.

So, let's try one more time.

Think about God's love.


David tells us that it is unfailing. God's love is divine. There is nothing on earth that compares to it. The most passionate love can't compare with God's love. The deepest friendship can't compare. The most tender love? Can't compare. Nothing compares. Why? Because all of those loves will fail you from time to time. God's love is unfailing. It's unfailing! God's love is UNFAILING! If that's not enough to get you out of that chair, or couch, or wherever you are and start dancing, then I don't know what is. So, get up and celebrate. God's love FOR YOU is UNFAILING.

Dear God,

Thank You that we never need to worry about Your love failing. It is impossible. Help us to be discerning when we feel like Your love has disappeared. Help us to recognize that Your love won't go away. Give us faith in the days that we are weak. Help us to reach out to You in the toughest days. And, help the world to see You in us.

In Jesus' name,


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