Wednesday, November 14, 2007

She Said Yes

Psalm 119:87 - "They almost wiped me from the earth, but I have not forsaken your precepts."

When the images floated across our television set, we wanted to turn away in disbelief, but our eyes couldn't leave the set. Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado had become a war scene. Students were running out of the building, crying, and some of them had blood stains on their clothes. There were images of parents searching frantically for their children. And, thre was sadness. Deep sadness.

In the days that followed Columbine, stories emerged about heroic teenagers who took a stand for Jesus. One of those students was Cassie Bernall, whose story was told in a book by her mother, entitled, She Said Yes. Students who were in the library with her at the time of her death report that Cassie was asked, "Do you believe in Jesus?" She knew that if she responded, "Yes," she would certainly die. Even though her life was on the line, Cassie responded by saying, "Yes." And, here physical life ended. She entered into the presence of Jesus.

In Psalm 119:87 David talks about being plotted against by his enemies. His life was almost taken from him. Instead of growing bitter and turning his back on God, David coninuted to follow God's commands.

I wonder what it would take for me to cave in my faith. I wonder if there is a cost that would be too high. I hope not. Real faith is that which stands true even in life's toughest circumstances. May we exhibit this kind of faith in our life. May we desire God so much that nothing that the world throws at us can shake our faith in our faithful God.

Dear God,

Somtimes the cost of following You seems so high. And then we remember that our cost is nothing in comparison to Yours. Thank You for giving your only Son so that we could live forever. Thank You that You have given us that which we need to live a life today that glorifies You. Help us to trust You. Help us to glorify You. Give us a passion for Your Holy Word!

In Jesus' name,


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