Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"You Changed My Life Today!"

Psalm 119:93 - "I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life."

One of the most special things about my job is that I get to spend time with high school students in a variety of settings. Some days I actually get to go into the public high school and teach classes. That's what I did today. At 7:55 this morning I was teaching a combined health class at the largest high school in the state of Minnesota. I taught all day long. By the time the day was through I had a chance to speak to over 200 students.

My daughter, Breanna, attends this school. As I drove her in today, we talked about lunch time. We would be sharing the same lunch period, and I wondered if she would want me to eat with her. She wasn't so sure if that is something that she would want. So, I agreed to eat with the teachers. When lunch time arrived, I went to the cafeteria to get my lunch. I saw a number of Wooddale students and took the time to talk with them. Then I saw my daughter. She motioned for me to come to her table. When she did, I saw a girl that had been in my last class. The girl spoke up. "You changed my life today! Thanks for coming to my class! Will you sit with us for lunch?" My daughter was thrilled. She wanted me to join the table and talk with this girl.

I'd love to say that every time I speak someone says, "You changed my life today." But, that wouldn't be true. I don't know if the girl that I talked with understood what she was saying. I wonder what she feels changed about her life. She never said. But, it's amazing to think that someone could be so touched. And, it's humbling, because I know that if anything good happened in her life it was because of God, not me.

In Psalm 119:93 we read once again of God's preserving love. His laws are once again attributed to saving David's life. When I spoke at the high school today, I talked about biblical principles. I never once mentioned the Bible. I talked about loving others more than you love yourself. I talked about making wise choices with friends. I talked about being content with less. I talked about how special each student was. I talked about how each student is more valuable and more important to this world than any piece of art in any museum in all the world. The Mona Lisa, as wonderous a piece of art as was ever created, will never be able to come down from the wall and save a person who is having a heart attack, or discover a cure for cancer, or encourage someone when a person that they love has died. People do that. And, people are worth investing in.

Aren't you glad that God has invested in you? Aren't you glad that He loves you so much? Aren't you glad that He has changed your life today? If so, give him praise. Thank Him for His work in you.

Dear God,

Thank you for changing us! I'm not sure that any of us have arrived, so thank You for Your patience. Thank You for sanctification, that process by which we become more like You. Help us to look a little bit more like You each and every day.

In Jesus' name,


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