Monday, January 07, 2008

Back From Guatemala

I'm back from Guatemala a bit earlier than expected. On Friday night, on our way to Rio Dulce, we were involved in a two car accident. The SUV that we were driving was totalled, and the truck that we hit was damaged too.

Please pray for a Guatemalan man named Alfredo. He sustained some significant injuries in the crash. God's faithfulness was seen in the crash. Had we hit the truck a second sooner, it would have been a full head on collision, and I think we would have died. Alfredo had two passengers in his truck who sustained minor injuries. All four people in our SUV are dealing with back, neck and shoulder pain. It could have been so much worse.

Pray for our missionary, Jaime Lopez. Jaime was driving the SUV, and the accident is considered his fault. He was passing a semi on a two lane road, and skidded when he tried to put on his brakes. It had been raining. We ran right into the other truck. Guatemalan law is very different than U.S. law in this regard. The police came to the scene, and upon their arrival Jaime had six hours to rectify things with the family. In the end he had to sign a letter agreeing to be responsible for all of Alfredo's medical bills and truck repairs. The insurance did not do what thy were supposed to agree to. So, Jamie is stressed. Had he not signed the papers he would have gone to jail. That is not an alternative one wants to take in Guatemala.

We did not get to meet with any of the pastors or missionaries that we were scheduled to met with. So, please be in prayer for our summer trip as well.

I'll write more later, but we are grateful to be alive, and have heavy hearts for Alfredo and Jaime.

1 comment:

marlene said...

We are so THANKFUL you are home, and will pray for your neck, back, shoulder, etc. We will also certainly be praying for Jamie and Alfredo as well. We PTL it was not one second sooner. God is still on the Throne! He is in control of all things. Sorry you didn't get to meet with the Pastor's etc. and we will be in prayer about plans for the summer trip which were not completed.