Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Far From Salvation

Psalm 119:155 - "Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek out your decrees."

When you first read this verse it makes it seem like the wicked are a pretty hopeless group. After all, they don't seek out God's decrees, and salvation is far from them. It's a pretty sobering statement. Until you realize that all of us should be considered as wicked. Left to our own, none of us seek the decrees of God. We run after that which entices us. The beautiful truth of this verse is seen in the beginning of verse 156, which says, "Your compassion is great, O LORD."

If you have been redeemed by God today, thank Him. Thank Him for his grace and His mercy. Thank Him for His work of redemption.

He is good.

Dear God,

Thank You that You choose wicked people like us to be Your children. You are so good. We are blessed to receive Your salvation. Help us to share it with the world around us.

In Jesus' name,


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