Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Christian Heritage

Psalm 119:111 - "Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart."

I grew up in a Christian home. So many times I say that and don't really think about what it is that I'm saying. It's true. My parents are both Christians. All of my siblings are followers of Jesus. My grandparents were Christians. All of their children were Christians. And, that is really amazing. I have a Christian heritage. There are far too many times that I take that truth for granted.

David understood the importance of a godly heritage. He said that God's statutes were his heritage forever, and that they were the joy of his heart. What would it be like to see all of your children, and all of your children's children choose to walk with Christ? My parents are seeing that happen. And, that has to be a delight. So, how does one experience this blessing? God doesn't make any guarantees that this will happen to anyone. I wish we could all know that our children and that their children would walk with Christ, but we can't. I do however believe that David's statment about God's statutes being the joy of his heart give a glimpse into how Christian heritages happen. When children see that their parents actually live out God's passions for their lives, they are more inclined to follow Christ. They want to see that the faith of their parents is genuine. I know that I did. And, what I saw in my Mom and Dad was a genuine joy in the Lord, and a genuine love for each other. I saw it in my grandparents too. And, it's what I want my children to see in me.

Dear God,

We want to follow You and experience the joy that can only come through knowing and loving our Savior. Help our children to see us genuiely walking with You. Help them to see our love and fervor, our devotion for You. And may our children, and our children's children, walk with You forever.

In Jesus' name,


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