Friday, December 14, 2007

When Hopes Are Dashed

Psalm 119:116 - "Sustain me according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed."

This evening I'll be taking a group of about 50 people into the inner city of Minneapolis. It's our annual Senior High Christmas Party. We meet at Wooddale Church, make sack lunches, and then go to deliver them to the homeless men and women of our city. As we spend time with these men and women, our student's lives are changed. They are challenged by the plight of these people. Their hearts are broken as they hear the stories of what has brought humanity to such a desperate spot. And, my heart breaks as I see the hope that so many of our students have in their eyes, absent from the eyes of the vagabound.

Tonight's party will teach a valuable lesson. The lesson is that sometimes life can be tough. But, it also teaches that God is present even in the most difficult of circumstances. David cried out for God to sustain him in life's most difficult days. He was afraid of losing his hope. There is a key word in David's cry. It's the word, "my." David wanted to hold onto his hopes. What David knew, and we must know too, is that sometimes God will replace our hopes with His. There are times when God won't give us what we want because He wants to give us what His hopes are for us! And when that happens, look out!

The hope that is absent from the men and women that we will see tonight will not remain there for all of them. For some, tonight will be the day where a little glimmer of hope emerges. They won't know why. They won't know how. But, it will begin to build. And, it will be because of Christ. As they see Christ in our students, some will be changed forever. And, as our students see Christ in some of them; the destitute, the downtrodden, the bum, they will remember the words of Christ, ". . .when you did it for the least of these, you did it unto me."

Dear God,

Give us hope; Your hope. May we find those whose hopes have been dashed and help them to experience Your mercy and grace. May You be pleased by what You see in us.

In Jesus' name,


1 comment:

marlene said...

Hi again Brian, WE JUST GOT one of your new books...What is the Deal With....THANK YOU!!! Aunt Marlene