Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm Feeling A Bit Drossy

Psalm 119:119 - "All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross; therefore I love your statutes."

Okay, I admit it. In all of my years of education, I was never taught what dross is. So, for those of you who are like me, here it is from Webster's dictionary: dross

Main Entry: dross
Pronunciation: \ˈdräs, ˈdrȯs\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English dros, from Old English drōs dregs
Date: before 12th century
1 : the scum that forms on the surface of molten metal
2 : waste or foreign matter : impurity
3 : something that is base, trivial, or inferior

So, how would you like to be treated like dross today? I'm in the camp that says, "No thanks!" To be thought of as the scum that forms on the surface of molten metal, or as waste, or as impurity, or as somthing that is base, trivial, or inferior is not what I want for myself.

But, it's what I am. Who of us can truly claim to be anything more? I am wicked. I choose sin all too often. And, my God loves me. He hates the scum. He chooses to discard it. And, He helps me get rid of it in my life. Any of us who are followers of Christ know that we were once lost in sin, and now are a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" We love Christ because He first loved us. He reached out, when we didn't deserve it. He reached out when we should have been thrown out. God is so good!

So, today, may you love God's statutes. Hold fast to Him. Hold on to His arms. He loves you.

Dear God,

Thank You that You can take my sin and forgive it. You want to discard it as far as the east is from the west. You want to help me live life to the full. Thank You for your perfect and steadfast love. Help me to show it to the world aroudn me.

In Jesus' name,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brian, What a powerful reminder of what I was before Christ saved me. Today I stand in awe of Jesus and His death on a cross in order that I not be considered dross, scum, impure before a Holy and righteous God.
Thank you God for the gift of Jesus! May I be quick to confess the sins in my life. Thanks Brian for your verse by verse comments from Psalm 119.
Love, Mom